Become A Sponsor
FHCI’s Sponsorship Program provides you with the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children in Zambia by investing in their education. In times of crisis, children in poverty are especially vulnerable and face numerous challenges. Your monthly, or annual gift will give your sponsored child access to life-changing benefits, such as educational support, nutritious meals, individualized medical care, and empowerment sessions. As a sponsor, you will be able to see your impact firsthand through letters and photos from your student. See our students below and learn more about them before you choose who you wish to support!
Our Sponsorship Program is Comprised of…
Primary Students
Secondary Students
University Students
Trade Student
2024 Primary Students
$335 per year or $28 per month (January - December)
2024 Secondary Students
$420 per year or $35 per month (January - December)
2024 Boarding Students
$690 per year or $58 per month (January - December)

2023 University Students
In addition to needing sponsors for our students in grades one through twelve, we also need funding for our students in university. Seven of our twelve university students are in need of sponsorship. You have the option to sponsor any of these students outright, but we understand that it can be difficult for individual sponsors to carry the full financial burden of a university student so we also accept one time donations, or a monthly donations of any amount. However much you choose to give will go a long way towards meeting these students’ educational needs and helping them to have a better future! You can read about our University students below.
James - $350
James was accepted into FHCI’s Sponsorship Program in 2018 when he entered grade 11. He continued in the sponsorship program in grade 12, and in December 2019 he graduated. James began studying Public Health at the Livingstone School of Nursing in July 2020. James lives with his eight siblings and his father, Moses. Moses is employed; however he does not make enough money to support his nine children. James is HIV positive and one of his sister’s is disabled. In January 2023 James will begin the final semester of his three year program and he will graduate in July 2023, as long as we are able to find a sponsor to pay the remaining $350 needed for his university fees.
Grace - $2,170
Grace was accepted into FHCI’s Sponsorship Program in 2018 when she entered grade eleven, and she graduated in December 2019. In January 2021 Grace moved to Lusaka to attend Evelyn Hone College, where she is currently studying Pharmaceutical Medicine. Grace lost both of her parents at a young age and she was raised by her aunt. In addition to raising Grace, and Grace’s cousin Dexter - who was also orphaned at a young age - Grace’s aunt has three children of her own and is unable to support Grace and Dexter with their tertiary education. In February 2023 Grace will begin the third and final year of her Pharmaceutical Medicine program To cover all of Grace’s 2023 University and Boarding fees, $2,170 is needed but you can make a one time or re-occurring donation of any amount to support Grace.
Dexter - $770
Dexter was accepted into FHCI’s Sponsorship Program in 2018 when he entered grade eleven, and he graduated in December 2019. In January 2021, Dexter began studying Nursing at the Livingstone School of Nursing. Since Dexter lost both of his parents at a young age, he was raised by his aunt. In addition to raising Dexter, and Dexter’s cousin Grace - who was also orphaned at a young age - Dexter’s aunt has three children of her own and is unable to support Dexter and Grace with their tertiary education. In January 2023 Dexter will begin the third and final year of his Nursing Program. To cover all of Dexter’s 2023 University fees, $770 is needed, but you can make a one time or re-occurring donation of any amount to support Dexter!
Mercy - $770
Mercy was accepted into FHCI’s sponsorship program in 2018 when she entered grade 11. She continued in the sponsorship program in grade 12, and in December 2019 she graduated. Mercy began studying Nursing at the Livingstone School of Nursing in January 2021. Both of Mercy’s parents passed away so she was raised by her Aunt, Olivia. Olivia is unable to pay for Mercy’s school fees and if Mercy does not have a sponsor she will have to drop out of University. Mercy is at a critical age. Many of the girls in Zambia who drop out of school have a high risk of either being forced to marry a man who can support them or becoming pregnant at a young age. Mercy is in the final year of her three-year nursing program and she is excited to start working as a nurse once she graduates from the Nursing Program in December 2023.
Precious - $770
Precious was accepted into FHCI’s Sponsorship Program in 2018 when she entered grade eleven, and she graduated in December 2019. In January 2021, Precious began studying Nursing at the Livingstone School of Nursing. Precious and her four siblings live with their mother. Precious’s mother is an unemployed single mother of five and she is unable to help Precious pay for her education. In January 2023 Precious will begin the third and final year of her Nursing Program. To cover all of Precious’s 2023 University fees, $770 is needed, but you can make a one time or re-occurring donation of any amount to support Precious!
Danga - $2,075
Danga was accepted into FHCI’s sponsorship program in 2018 when he entered grade 10. He continued in the sponsorship program for grades 11 and 12, and he graduated in December 2020. Danga began studying Electrical Engineering at Mulungushi University in August 2021. In August 2022 Danga began the second year of his studies. Unfortunately, Danga’s sponsor is unable to continue sponsoring him for the 2023 school year, so unless we are able to find him a sponsor, or sponsors, Danga will not be able to continue on to the second semester of the second year of his studies, when it begins in February 2023. Danga’s father passed away in 2005. Unable to cope with her grief after the death of her husband, Danga’s mother began drinking and has struggled with alcoholism ever since. In 2013, Danga’s mother lost her job due to her condition so Danga moved in with his grandparents. Danga’s grandparents are unable to pay for his university program; thus, Danga needs a sponsor so that he can finish his degree.
Newton - $1,250
Newton was accepted into FHCI’s sponsorship program in 2018 when he entered grade 11. He continued in the sponsorship program in grade 12, and in December 2019 he graduated. Newton began studying Human Resource Management at Victoria Falls University in January 2021. Newton lives with his mother, father, and five siblings. His father, Prosperine, is employed and works hard to support his six children. Newton’s parents are worried that he will be forced to drop out since they do not have enough money to cover all of his school fees. Newton is a very intelligent student and he is looking forward to get his diploma in Human Resource Management

FAQs about our Sponsorship
+ How do I sponsor a child?
a. For new sponsors: Once you have read through the student profiles and found a student you would like to sponsor, click on the orange button underneath the student’s picture that says “Sponsor”. After clicking on this button, the check-out page will pop up and you will have the option to pay the full amount for your student, or to pay monthly. Once you select which option works best for you, click on the donate button on the bottom right of the screen then select your payment option. Once you complete the process, you will then receive a conformation email from us, meaning you have successfully completed the donation process and are now a sponsor!
b. For current sponsors: If you are currently sponsoring a student and want to continue to sponsor them for the 2023 school year, click on the button that says, “Renew your Sponsorship” in the top banner of the “Sponsor a Child” page. Read the information on the page, then click on the button on the bottom center of the page that says,“Renew your Sponsorship”. After clicking on the button, the check-out page will pop up and you will have the option to pay the full amount for your student(s), or to pay monthly. Once you select which option works best for you, select the amount you want to donate then click on the donate button on the bottom right of the screen. After you complete the checkout you will receive a conformation email from us!
+ How long does my sponsorshop last?
Sponsorship is done on a year-by-year basis. In October you will be asked if you would like to continue to sponsor your student for the upcoming school year, or if you would like us to find your student a new sponsor.
+ What if I need to make a change to my sponsorship?
You can make changes to your monthly giving anytime. Please contact our Care Team to adjust, delay, or cancel. And because of our on-going commitment to our children from the time of sponsorship through graduation, your child will continue to receive benefits from the program, and we will work to find them another sponsor as soon as possible.
+ Who is Free Haven Community Initiative?
Free Haven Community Initiative (FHCI) is a registered Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) located in Livingstone, Zambia that has four main areas of focus: Education, Nutrition, Health, and Empowerment. In order for the Zambian NGO to be successful, a non-profit organization called Free Haven Community Initiative, Inc. was formed in America to assist its Zambian counterpart. By organizing fundraisers, processing donations, and handling marketing strategies, this partnership makes it possible for the Zambian-based NGO to carry out its day to day functions and focus on its primary goals. The American non-profit is run by a board of directors. The people on this board volunteer their time to make the aforementioned tasks possible. In addition to the American team, the Zambian- based NGO has its own board of directors to manage the organization’s projects in Zambia.
+ What happens if my student drops out or gets removed from the program?
There are several reasons why students may drop out or are removed from the sponsorship program throughout the year. Usually, this is due to students or guardians breaking the Code of Conducts or the student has moved away. We handle each case on an individual basis and provide extra support to those that need it as well as give out three strikes to enable them the opportunity to reflect and improve on behaviours. However, despite our best efforts, some students or guardians do not take the program seriously. We want every student to take this opportunity to make the most of the program, so sometimes we may have no choice but to remove students and replace them with another vulnerable student.
Students may be removed or drop out at any point of the year. So what happens when they do? See below for steps that are taken in due circumstance