Get to know Ennie
Ennie is 13 and will be starting Grade 7 in 2025. Ennie’s favorite subject is Maths and when she grows up, she wants to become a pilot! Unfortunately, Ennie’s parents dropped out of school at a young age and did not complete their education. Due to her parents’ limited education, they are unable to obtain a job and so they cannot pay her school fees.
You can give Ennie the gift of education today and make a lasting impact in her life!
About Me
Name: Ennie
Age: 13
Sex: Female
Tuition Fees: $380
Poverty In Zambia
Unlike most places in the developed world, education is not free to the public in Zambia. All students are required to pay school fees as well as purchase a school uniform, shoes, and other supplies, which many families cannot afford. In times of crisis, impoverished children are especially vulnerable and face several challenges. Girls who are unable to attend school have a high risk of becoming pregnant or being forced into marriage, whereas boys have a high risk of underage drinking, smoking, and becoming involved in petty crime. By sponsoring a child you are giving them access to life-changing programs and support.