University Program

As many sponsorship students are graduating with top grades, they now have the opportunity to attend University or a Trade School program to further their education, an opportunity many students never dreamed of before. Our goal is to continue their education and fulfill their future dreams.

Only 30% of Zambian students finish grade 12; even worse, only 3% will ever attend university. However, we are working to change these statistics. Since 2018, 45 students in the FHCI Sponsorship Program have graduated from grade 12! Here are some stats on these incredible students (as of September 2024):

  • 12 of these students are currently attending university as part of the FHCI University Program

  • 6 of these students are currently attending university through their own or other means

  • 2 of these students are currently attending trade school

  • 6 of these students have graduated from university with degrees such as medicine, accounting, human resources, and pharmacy

  • 2 of these students have graduated from trade school

  • 6 of these students will be starting university in 2025

  • 1 of these students will be starting university in 2026

  • The others are all pursuing their own careers in their own ways!

The cost of a university education is prohibitively expensive for almost every Zambian family. Our University Program removes the financial barrier of higher education for students that finish grade 12 under our Sponsorship Program. It covers their tuition costs, as well as their room and board, so they are free to pursue their dreams and become doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, educators, public leaders, and more!

University Scholarship Fund

Unlike students in our Sponsorship Program who are paired with a sponsor, students in our University Program are not. Due to the high cost of tertiary education, we have a University Scholarship Fund where multiple donors can contribute to all of the university student’s education so that the financial burden does not fall on one sponsor’s shoulders. This Scholarship Fund not only directly impacts the student’s opportunity to attend University, but also builds Zambian communities with role models.

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